Share a beautiful story about your loved one. Setup is Fast, Easy, and 100% Free!
Tribute Sites are attractive websites, built using an easy-to-use wizard, that allow users to share and honor the memory of their loved one.
They can include photos, a slideshow, links to key locations, a biography, services information, video clips, and the tributes of many family members and friends.
The slideshow can be accompanied by music you select from our options or that you upload. Tribute Sites can also be easily shared via social media.
Tribute Sites provide a great way to share some of great things about our loved ones that make them special. They also allow others to contribute their tributes.
Setting up the Homepage only takes minutes. Upload photos as time permits. When ready, add whichever sections you wish and make edits at any time. No need to feel rushed.
Tribute Sites are easy to setup and can include the following pages:
- Homepage
- Services
- Life
- Timeline
- Photos
- Slideshow
- Places
- Tributes

Each Tribute Site has a QR Code, which can be used on printed material to link to the Tribute Site.
To view a Demo of Tribute Site pages. Click Here.
Setting up a Tribute Site is fast and easy. Take a look.
Create Account
Step one is to setup your user account. This only takes a couple minutes. After your account is setup, you can create one or more Tribute Sites. Setup is fast, easy and 100% Free. Each Tribute Site has a 30-Day Free Trial Period.
Setup Tribute Site offers dozens of beautiful homepage images to suit your wishes. The homepage can be easily modified with an image and photo you upload.
- Start by uploading your loved one's photo and name for the homepage.
- Add basic information you would like to share about your loved one to the homepage text field, such as their name, and brief overview of their life. You can revise or complete the text on your Tribute Site at any time. No need for stress.
- As time allows, you will want to add more photos and brief descriptions. These will display on the Photos page and in the Slideshow. You can add or change the photos and descriptions at any time.
- Additional pages (i.e., Services, Life, Timeline, Places, etc.) can be added when convenient, or keep the Tribute Site simple. Family and friends can start sharing their tributes as soon as you share the Tribute Site's link.
If you want your Tribute Site to be private, accessible only with an ID and passcode, it only takes one click on this option during setup and the designation of an ID. Of course, you can change your site to public, accessible via your site’s link, at any time.
To call this a step is a bit of an exaggeration. Activating a Tribute Site only takes one click. Your 30-Day Free Trial begins when you activate your site. You can cancel your Tribute Site at any time.
You receive a webpage link (URL) when you set up your site. This link can be shared by email, text, or social media. If your site is private, you will need to share the ID and passcode.